riccadonna Aug 13, 2019 12:59
mary had a little lamb, quinara, rebcake, st salieri, herself, anaross, penny lane 42, confusedkayt, fritz, satrapi, corto maltese, snickfic, weyrewolfen, pinocchio, lilachigh, krazy kat, baba yaga, king kong, botias, nautibitz, the thinker, jamalov29, bender, calvin&hobbes, eowyn 315, george of being human, batman, kallysten, spok, doll!spike, zonker, europanya, pogo, speaker2customers, always jbj, spiderman, buster keaton, li'l abner, snowwhite, abbey road, missmurchison, betty boop, mere ubu, santa claus' costume, gorey, superman, petzipellepingo, xena, krocodile, green maia, tarzan, pfeifferpack, eurydice, wonder woman, alice, welcome, angearia, livejournal, rahirah, moscow watcher, enigmaticblues, the little mermaid, slaymesoftly, the hulk, elsaf, msclawdia, freddy krueger, thedeadlyhook, mad_brilliant_, the thing, bogwitch, franknfurter, felix the cat, asscerbic, gabrielleabelle, lady godiva, nemo, yellow submarine, mustangsally & rivkat, rip kirby, spikez_tart, athenewolfe, constance b, gillo
riccadonna Oct 04, 2008 17:15
speaker2customers, yellow submarine